Thank you for carrying Osei-Duro. We use DHL to ship all packages from Ghana worldwide. Our shipping costs are included in the wholesale price. We do our best to devalue the goods so you won’t have to pay import duties or service charges, though occasionally there could be a charge to pay. To make the process go smoothly we would like to outline some terms and conditions.
TERMS: Our shipping terms are Free on Board which means as soon as the goods transfer from our hands to the courier (DHL etc), the responsibility and liability of the shipment falls on the buyer. We provide a tracking confirmation email within 24 hours of shipping. Please follow along and make sure your package clears customs, as if it gets returned to us, we are not responsible for paying to ship it back to you. Nor are we responsible for any lost or stolen packages.
INSURANCE/DUTIES: If you prefer to declare the full value of the shipment for insurance purposes, please let logistics@oseiduro.com know, so we can do so.
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER: Please enter only a mobile phone number, as DHL will get in touch with you via SMS if your package needs attending to.